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A Day in the Life of Adam Maxwell, Symatrix' Service Delivery Manager

I usually start the day with breakfast and a coffee before getting on a train to conduct a Supplier Review or onto the Metro link system to travel into the city centre to the office.

My day is typically made up of chairing meetings for the Monthly, Bi Monthly or Quarterly Supplier Reviews I have with clients and a major part of my role as Service Delivery Manager is to coordinate and manage client tasks and projects to successful completion. This involves working with the department heads to ensure we are delivering a high performing service in all support functions including Application Support, MS (Managed Services) Delivery, MS PMO (Project Management Office), MS Training, MS Testing as a Service and MS BPO (Business Process Outsourcing). At Symatrix we aim to continually improve our service so if I identify an area where we can perhaps progress, such as suggesting an enhancement to testing strategy, we are empowered to make those changes.

I often seek opportunities to add value back to my customers which supports the Symatrix Customer Satisfaction pillar. This may involve putting time aside to create additional slides to include in presentations. For example, the slides may contain new or upcoming functionality, UK legislation changes on the horizon or ideas to help with continuous improvement.

In my previous role I was the interim Application Support Manager and HCM Functional Lead. My role now is much more customer facing. I really love the innovation I see from the new technology and helping my customers embrace it. I do this by sharing ideas and best practise on how to uptake and adopt new features within the applications and modules which my client uses.

In my studies, I completed a BSc in Business Information Systems which gave me a good grounding for my career. I have previously worked on PeopleSoft and Oracle e-Business Suite since version 11. I was an early adopter for HCM Cloud (Release 7) and I embrace the Software as a Service Operating Model as the product is constantly evolving and improving.

I’ve now been part of the team at Symatrix for six years. I like the atmosphere and the flexibility to drive change and being at the forefront of Cloud technology. I also really enjoy working with the team – we’ve got some really highly skilled people here.

In my spare time, I enjoy hiking and mountaineering and have recently completed the national three peaks and a shortened version of the Tour de Mont Blanc in the Alps.

About the author

Lucy Fry

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