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My First Month at Symatrix

So, this week marks my one month anniversary at Symatrix and like so many others starting in new roles, it has been an incredibly interesting time.

I started at Symatrix on the 3rd March, where I spent the first few days at our head office in Manchester, meeting people across the business, understanding a bit more about their individual roles as well as going through my on-boarding. It was also the sales team's monthly meeting, so it was the perfect time for me to start.

During these first 2/3 days, I knew instantly that I had joined a fantastic organisation that is really looking to do some incredible things moving forward and I was super excited to get stuck in! Two things that really instilled this in me was our business' approach to both clients and our own employees.

As a business, Symatrix' customer-centric approach is far beyond any other I have come across over the years. We strive to bring complete operational efficiency to our clients, really acting as a "trusted advisor" that many profess to be. We maintain complete transparency with all clients; even to the point that if our services don't fit, we won't look to fit a square peg into a round hole. To me, customers should ALWAYS sit at the centre of everything we do, right?

It’s also been great to see that Symatrix truly believes in doing the right thing by its employees. As a business, everyone is kind, welcoming and get on extremely well, which lends itself to the fantastic things we have and will achieve with our clients. Again, I use the word “transparency”. Such is the relationship between people at the business, it is very easy to have an open and honest discussion, whether this be with people in service, marketing, right the way up to the MD.

Now, with the current situation, you would assume that there may be a “but” on the horizon, however this could not be further from the truth. Within days of the government announcing that people, where possible should be working from home, our business invoked our BCP that enabled ALL employees to work from home. As I am home based, it has not impacted me too much (apart from my new 17 month old co-worker), however for those within the business that this may have been alien to, Symatrix have done absolutely everything to ensure people in all departments were able to continue with their roles in the safety of their own home environment. A huge testament to all who made it possible.

Of course, this did not take away the challenge that many faced of working from home for the first time, and in such bizarre circumstances too. Being in this position for the first time can make it difficult to maintain some level of normality. However, once again I have been blown away by how focused the business is on making sure employees remained connected and enthusiastic. Video calls happen on a regular basis, whether through our various teams or as a business once a week. We have been nominating each other to share a tune every day to buoy spirits and motivate one another. However, my absolute favourite piece has been the picture and videos shared, showing what work life is now like with our newfound work colleagues. Whether this be setting up their own enterprise, in the form of tuck-shops, showing off their gymnastic skills (jumping onto folded duvets) or cleaning the cars (for the older ones).

What’s more, the senior management are keeping everyone in the loop on how the ever-changing circumstances are impacting the business and, for me, this is one of the most crucial things a business can do for its employees.

It's been a very interesting first month and one that I will not forget. That being said, I know I have joined a fantastic organisation. One that cares for both its people and clients and I can’t wait to join in the success we will create in the future.

Take care and stay safe!

About the author

Vickey Wallis

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