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Symatrix Recognises the Value that Apprenticeships Bring to the Workplace

Symatrix is a hub for apprentices: with two already having been given a permanent role, two in the course of their apprenticeships and an imminent new starter, we genuinely see their potential and the plusses of taking on young people at the beginning of their careers. We find it so rewarding in helping them to grow and achieve.

In speaking to our past and present apprentices and their managers to find out what it is about Symatrix and their careers that they are inspired and challenged by.

One department of Symatrix that has particularly embraced the apprenticeship scheme is the Outsourced Payroll department. Having taken on two apprentices in the last three years. Payroll Manager, Claire Milner, had this to say about her apprentices: “In our team we have placed two apprentices over the last three years; both of which have completed their apprenticeships and started on formal payroll qualifications.

Working alongside our clients, both of our apprentices Chris and Jordan, have added a huge amount of value to the team with the level of work they undertake and the energy and enthusiasm they bring along.

It has been an extremely positive journey for us, as the willingness to learn and absorb new skills information has been so great, that they have both flown through training and are constantly taking on new challenges and responsibilities.

As both continue through their payroll qualifications, we see a very bright future for them!”

Chris Brooks, Sales Director, commented on the scheme saying “The apprentice programme at Symatrix has been, and continues to be, a great success. Symatrix really benefit from the vitality, fervour and ideas that the apprentices bring and it is great to see them develop and grow as they take on new challenges. A number of our apprentices have won awards, both internally and externally, for the quality of work that they have delivered. This, coupled with their desire to learn, is exactly why Symatrix will continue to invest in this programme.”

We are very proud of the culture that we have created, which allows all of our apprentices to learn and strive in a real life environment. So when asked, one of our apprentices outlined why they chose to do an apprenticeship with Symatrix. Chris Wood (Payroll apprentice and winner of a star apprentice award) said “I chose Symatrix because I felt that it would be an interesting place to work and also as I did Finance at A-Level. I thought that working in the payroll team, it would help in my role and it is something I am interested in.” Chris has also mentioned how he enjoys the challenging environment of the payroll department as it enables him to develop his knowledge and build on his confidence.

Another Symatrix apprentice, Nathan Butler, says that the part of his job that he enjoys the most is “Beginning to learn and deal with client issues and queries.” He also says that although it is the most enjoyable aspect of his job, dealing with clients can also be the most difficult too.

A member of the same team as Nathan said this about his positive contribution to the team, “Nathan has adapted exceptionally well into our first line team and has taken full responsibility and ownership for the helpdesk telephone and CMS, the Symatrix call logging system. Nathan brings with him a professional approach which customers interact with when they first contact Symatrix, so his role is key in increasing great customer service.”

When asked about what she had gained from her time at Symatrix, Paige Embury, said that “Although I’ve only been at Symatrix for 7 months, I’ve learnt so much about Marketing and office etiquette. These are real life skills that I know that I will be able use in my career”

The wide array of qualifications available at The Apprentice Academy has allowed us to be able to place apprentices in many of our different departments, with apprentices in the BPO, marketing, and payroll departments. We will continue to work with young people in the early stages of their careers and strive to help them to develop their skills and confidence.

About the author

Lucy Fry

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