GDPR Compliance

With the introduction of GDPR and the strict rules regarding safeguarding data to ensure that it is secure, one might be forgiven for assuming that all companies have got this covered. Well, we might be mistaken!
Over the last month or so we’ve seen stories hit the headlines with organisations found not only to have suffered a data breach but also the data that they were collecting and storing is outside of the company’s processes and procedures. These breaches are now resulting in some of the heaviest fines levied by the ICO, so is it time that you revisited your own GDPR compliance?
HR and payroll professionals must be well versed in legislation and how it impacts their own specific processes. Furthermore, they must have a strong understanding of where data is collected and to ensure that the data is processed in line with the ICO principles. As HR and Payroll data is predominantly held within applications or internal IT infrastructures, it is essential to understand the rules behind those systems, whether that relates to the automated transfer of data, the disposal of data, or indeed the access controls and security profiles available to manage the data.
Just ask yourself : "When someone changes roles or leaves, what does that mean to their access? If someone is working from home or from a device, can they see everything they can see in their secured office location?"
At Symatrix, as both a data controller of our own data, processors of customer data, and as part of our matured ISO27001 accreditation, we live and breathe information security and GDPR. It is not something “done” by one person or team, all of our teams have it running through their veins, as it is part of each and every process.
Watch our short animation to see how the tool works.
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